There is a mountain range that seperates the two nations. The northern most nation is Mythos, which will be more or less like Gondor from Middle Earth, but not a photo copy of course. It simply put is more of a Knighthood organized nation more along the lines of nations such as Krynns Solamnia ... being a shining light for all to see. Going to the aid of any lands that would require there help.
The southern most nation is called Galantria. This area is being based off of the Module Palace of the Silver Princess. (I actually have the orange covered copy of this module that was recalled within a day of it being released due to some questionable artwork in it) I will of course alter the module to fit our campaign but I have some big plans for this area ... it will be the beginning adventure location for my group.

Note: I have not placed any locations within these nations as of yet. I am doing some research etc etc before I begin laying down towns, cities etc etc.
That's a really good module