Saturday, September 25, 2010

AD&D Session 00: The Preparation

Well, our first video is now up, lord help us haha maybe we do not get flames to death over it. Anyways this video is just us meeting and finishing up characters etc etc and just hanging out, nothing special folks so don't expect too much from this video. Basically it's just ole Fatty the Dm getting his gang ready for the first session.

Hope everyone enjoys.

• Click Here to Go to YouTube to Watch it! •

Newest Update

Last night the group sat down and finished up there characters, or pretty much finished up there characters. Bad news though .... we lost a player due to last minute schedule issues so now we are down to 3 players /sigh. I still have a few others that I know that I plan to speak with to get us a 4th person for the group but at this point it does not look good.

I really hate to have to DM just 3 players, it is going to put a lot more work on the players to stay alive but at this point in time we really do not have much of a choice and for me the saddest part of it all is it appears I will be forced to play the Wizard in the group because the member we lost "was" the one playing our Wizard. One way or another, even if it means we stick with only 3 players, we are playing some AD&D.

Our first video blog session is finished and will be posted shortly.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Night of Rolling Characters

So last night Jennifer, and Joe came over with Matthew already being here .... Wendell was informed of this meeting too late and could not make it and we all sat down and rolled up characters. The group will have a Human Fighter, Human Cleric, Human Ranger and an Elven Wizard. Jen rolled her Cleric stats up, pretty good stats, Matt already has his character rolled up with some good stats .... and then came Joe with his Ranger.

This guy rolled some of the most incredible rolls I have ever seen, it was simply put awe inspiring haha. Out of his 6 stats, 3 of them were 18's. Anyways, congrats on the rolls Joe. I will get with Wendell this week and sit down with him to let him roll up his stats as well. Fun night overall.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Two New Good Nations Are Up

I finally decided on names for the two good aligned nations in our world. The two nations are actually neighbors which can be seen in the picture below.

There is a mountain range that seperates the two nations. The northern most nation is Mythos, which will be more or less like Gondor from Middle Earth, but not a photo copy of course. It simply put is more of a Knighthood organized nation more along the lines of nations such as Krynns Solamnia ... being a shining light for all to see. Going to the aid of any lands that would require there help.

The southern most nation is called Galantria. This area is being based off of the Module Palace of the Silver Princess. (I actually have the orange covered copy of this module that was recalled within a day of it being released due to some questionable artwork in it) I will of course alter the module to fit our campaign but I have some big plans for this area ... it will be the beginning adventure location for my group.

Note: I have not placed any locations within these nations as of yet. I am doing some research etc etc before I begin laying down towns, cities etc etc.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Message Boards Are Up!

Just finished designing the new forums. At this time I just have a general discussion forum up and running but the graphics editing is complete. I will add a little more meat to the forums soon. The link to our forums is just beneath the banner on this website. Here is a link in case for some unknown reason you do not see it haha. Stop by and pay us a visit.

• Click Here to Go to our Message Boards •

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Mines of Morea

Yep, you read that right ..... I'm a Thief! :)

I Added a new location .... I always loved the Mines or Moria in Middle Earth from the movies and wanted something such as that to be in my worlds history for the Dwarves, seeing as how this world is a homegrown one and I am pulling ideas from many various worlds, I pulled the Moria idea only my world will have a Morea instead.

I already have the city the Dwarves relocated to (what few that are left) ... Stonehelm, but it is more of a mountain outpost that will become a city over time, Morea will be the former Dwarven city that was overrun by humanoids .... unsure on the story yet but these Humanoids could have came up through passages that were created within the Mines to allow access into there City, hell ... I may even use the same type storyline used for Moria for my location. I am even thinking of using the sourcebooks from the Middle Earth RPG for my Morea.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Tower of Acererak

I just added The Tower of Acererak to the map. This comes from a 4th Edition module but will be converted over just as the other 4th Edition material has been. I really think he could be a really good bad guy for my world. He will most likely be someone the world has heard of but knows very little about. His tower will be alongside the mountains surrounded by a hilly region.

The Central Hub

Currently I have the central section of the world set up as many independent cities and towns. I plan to have much sea trading going on amongst the locations as well as some pirating going on. The realms primary city will be Candledeep. Forgotten Realms has Waterdeep. Greyhawk has the City of Greyhawk so I decided to go with Candledeep which is primarily known for having the largest library in the world.

As of yet I have not started detailing these locations but it will be coming soon. I pretty much know what each of the towns and cities will be, I simply have not gotten to the point of detailing them out to the public.

Once I do, the information will be within the links that are on the right side of this page.

The Slave Lords

I have added in the Slave Lords 4 set of modules and plan to expand off of them. The land will not be known as the Pomarj though but the adventures themselves will remain as they were in Greyhawk simply because there are a blast to DM or play in.

I am not sure how I will expand on these but I plan to make the slave trade a large part of my world. Simply put, they make great bad guys!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Shadowed Veil

I just finished editing up my first section on the map. The Shadowed Veil. I needed it to be a secluded area on the map because I plan to fire up many epic adventures in this area. Some of you who are familiar with 4th Edition Rules might notice some of the names in this area. You would be correct, I am using alot of the information from the Modules from the region around the town Winterhaven only I am changing everything around.

I added in a small town of Hamlet as well. This town was the center of an epic adventure I went on with my Wizard that was played in a generic World also so I added it to mine simply because some of the finer points of my adventure could easily be added to this world also.